Being in the states is a whole different life, I don't know how I feel about it yet but it changes day by day.
I'll only give 2 short stories about how different.......
#1 In economics class we were discussing GDP and how it is not a real reflection of the nations money flow because some businesses are not taxed and accounted for such as drug dealing and prostitution!
#2 while reading a marketing article there was a statement that said:
Viviana Zelizer, a sociologist at Princeton University, noted that a similar phenomenon even affects how prostitutes think about their income. She cited a study of the Oslo prostitution market, which showed that prostitutes tend to spend money acquired through welfare checks and health benefits on essentials such as rent and bills and are far more likely to spend their income acquired from selling sex on drugs and alcohol, even if it means they have no money left over to pay for essentials.
(Vedantam,Mental Accounting,2007)
I have to cite it coz here it's a big deal not to cite, probably worse than killing!Law b 3amman I'd hear someone in class say : wal 3yathu billah! :)