The panic ball has come to town! Farah arrived to Dubai to spend 4 days, half of which are with yours truly & the other half with her relatives.
Maybe not all of you know farah but she's a worry girl, she worries about everything.... 'Lara, will it get cold, shall I get a jacket? How will we cross the street if we stop here? I need to know where to go do my hair'. Ghair 3an il na3as il qatel wil na2 il mustammer inno bard.
Ma hee kanat shobe before she came!
Ya binit yihdeeki, yirdeeki, abadan musirra tkoon mama o act responsible! Ya3ni ya jama3a iza ana ba7ki 3anha haik! Her brother was here as well so we had a good time teasing her with her insecurities & panic attacks :)
But of course we had the best time ever........when she was awake!
She chose a good timing to come because we'd spend new year's eve together where we went to my friend's friend private party (yes 3indi s7ab min warakom!). We didn't know anyone of course but that's the best atmosphere to act stupid! No one bimsik 3alaik mamsak + the rule of "What happens il Dubai stays in Dubai". Eating, dancing & laughing all night long was just perfect.
Farah's brother has the hobby of ta3lee2at bil 3arabi ma3 illi ma bifhamu 3arabi, so as usual we got into a taxi & he was commenting on everything the poor Indian fella does & we were laughing our heads out. He'll be like : "ghasbalak shu ijrak saybe 3al benzene, yes straight ahead please! " That night we all were commenting in Arabic unfortunately, because when we were arriving to our destination the 'poor' fella said: "3al shmal? !" fa kulna fatta7na 3inaina & just shut our mouths........but Farah's brother couldn't keep quiet and said: "inta min awwal ma tli3na ma3ak o inta btifham 3arabi?" fa then we all burst our laughing. The driver didn't say anything, I bet he gets teased at everyday 100 times.
What did we learn from this? We learn that we only make fun of people with blond hair next time! :)
Here are some pictures of us.

The pictures are great :D
Well, 7ussam was saying that when he talked to Farah while she was in Dubai, she sounded more upbeat and having more fun than ever ;)
Hehe it's funny imagining you at a party where you don't know anyone and just dance and have a brilliant time! I mean, inno yay go wild and party ;p
Ya salam , did I husam? Well when u are with both lara and my older brother ghaleb u cant help it;)
Anyways it was really cool, 4 days are not enough, bas yalla walla il balash... for those of u who can make it....GO THERE:)
Farah ...the PANIC BALL:)
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