Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Weird things in plastic city

You don’t see these shots everyday
1. Fashion statement

Did he check out himself before he left the house? He must be put in prison, it's illegal to have that taste in clothes!

2. My 'yabyad yiswid' sink

Tab iza biddi mai fatreh shu asawwi??!

3. A 7 star hotel flaw

It seems the perfect fairy tale city is not so

perfect afterall. Serina remember this?

4.The hideous frog

How ugly is that! We put our keys there, thank God it has a purpose!

5. Ugly shoes

Don’t tell me there are uglier shoes than these. British shoes, what can I say.

6. Daimler Chrysler bins & chairs

Yes, Daimler Chrysler is too stingy to have decent trash bins. I’m so ashamed

7. My bathroom light

I'd have to pull to turn on. O marrat bi3lli2! 7orr howweh!


Lina said...

1. That frog is the ugliest thing ever!
2. The picture with the fork is the worst picture ;p it took me forever to realize what you're trying to say!
3. That fashion statement!!!! Inno wow shu 3indo confidence a5eena...
4. The blue and white chairs are hideous ;p

Anonymous said...

lina ya 3omri .. ma tkhali statement tfootek ah? ;p LOL

bs lara .. remind me .. u went to Dubai to do ... what? ;o u see they keep askin me sho bitsawi hnak & am like .. la walkom lara ishi fakhem .. ishi byrfa3 il ras! sukor o rages o nam 3al 3alam! btit3abi ya weili 3aleiki! ;p

Anonymous said...

heyy lara i dont get the fork pic...what`s wrong about it????
the sink... ekhtera3 3azeem....i am sure that nobody in the world is that stupid....there has 2 b a purpose....
the man with the cloths....PERSONAL FREEDOM LARA...bas ho mta22elha shwai i have 2 say;)
the frog 3adi...
the furniture raelly hideous...man how can they hire someone with that taste....no wonder enno redyo yakhdooke lara....:P
take care

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that fork. Had to enlarge and keep some distance from my humongous screen to understand as well ...

Hey now, give the guy a break, I think he has a statement to make, he's up for business in the clowning industry! ;) (BTW, check out Saudis, they are MUCH worse! I hate to make generalizations, so make it some Saudis. :P)

That frog is intimidating! Are you sure that was not an alien from outer space? Man, he sure did have his way then, no disguise and still went undetected! :D

"British shoes, what can I say.", Wish-shu gasdek haa? Tsuk Tsuk! :|