-*Tima: "didn't you notice his eyebrows?"
-Me: "btimza7i!"
-Tima:"bi3mil 7awajbo!"
-Me: "La2, please ma t2olooli inno Fayyoumi gay!"
-Tima: "halla2 3rift keef btitla3 il isha3at bil shirkeh ":)
2. Office blabber I
My phone rings in the office

-*Samara: "Lara, ghayri rantek!"
Me thinking 'ghosbalek! shu dakhalek?'
-Me:" Aish sar b Chevening"?
-*Farida: "3milt il interview :)"
-Me: "cool:) tab o Maree7a?
-Farida: "bardo 3imlat il interview :)"
Me thinking 'hmmmm kul il mamlakeh 3imlat interview ma 3adai :S'
4. Office blabber II
My phone rings in the office
-*Samara: "Lara, ghayri rantek!"
Me thinking 'How about **** you!'
-Ignore mode on-
5. Longest 15 seconds
Waiting for the elevator -B1 to Floor 4
Creepy weird lady approaches me....
-*Manar: "Shu drastek?!!"
Me thinking "what the heck?! I've never spoken to this lady before...."Finance"
-Manar: "Wain? Jam3a Ordoniyyeh?"
-Me: "Ah"
Waiting.........'wain il zift?'
-Manar:"Ana darseh 3ilim ijtima3 min jam3it Bir Zeit"
-Me: ".....umm..... 7ilu"
Elevator opens, lucky me there's no one inside, now i have to get into a closed area, up 5 floors, with the creepy weird lady.... I know she's gonna say something crazy now and no witnesses would be there and no one would believe me!
Not a word........
3.............4 "Ching"
Me thinking 'Ghareeb! she didn't say anything.........Run Forest Run!'
Those were the longest 15 seconds of my life!
6. Office blabber III
-*Rula: "you know they say those who like kitkat are sexually frustrated!"
-*Nabil:"hehe 3am bit2oleeli willa 3am bit2ooli la 7alek? ana 3adi wad3i"
Me thinking: '3adi? o fakhoor b 7alak inno zalameh ya3ni? culture zbaleh 3ala shabab azbal. Abukom 3ala abu haik colleagues'
Sorry for the foul language, those who know me know that I'm not like that :)
*As always, names have been changed
fayyoumi gay!!!!! :P
imagine if the elevator got stuck between floors, ouch :D
didnt it ever occur to you that those colleagues are just trying to be friendly and joke around.. loosen up will you...
Yes it occured to me but I like making them look bad anyway:)
maybe because your the bad one here :P
Well, bas how about that weired study, sho elle be7ebo el kitkat are sexually frustrated, walla som3a hai.
i like that fayoumi gay, and el benet elle la7azat his ewebrows lazem t7ot enha qaweyyet el mola7aza be her CV, heheheh i mean come on she notices the eyebrows of the egyptian gay dude.
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