Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dubai (India)

Coming to Dubai was everybody's dream but mine! It's not that I'm too snobbish to like this city but I believe that kulshi b wa2to 7ilu, this is just not the time for me. Starting from Amman airport I start my six month journey for my internship.

For all those of you who know me, I hate dabshat especially those from males! The man at the airport, while looking at me in that so typical bee-majal-la-3olaga smile said: " ray7a 3al emarat willa dubai?" Bearing in mind the story of 1 day earlier I went to Centro with my work colleagues for a farewell brunch where the not-so-charming waiter said (when I asked him about what they had of juices) :" fee orAnge, fee abble fee ba3id" I usually just answer a shrugged answer showing them that they're not so funny, but this time I just let it go and answered what every male would want a girl to answer:" he hi2, 3al tnain!:)"

I'm still new to this blogging thing so I'll just assume that it's fine to mention brand names. Going to thee Emirates Airlines after hearing so much about it that it's thee ultimate airline to travel with having your own OH MY GOD 50 CHANNELS OF MUSIC, MOVIES & GAMES.... was not so impressive. Let's start with the earphones, were not clear at all if available aslan, so I only heard half of Joey's show & yes played hang man for 1 hour! I must say it gets very difficult when you have only one vowel in a 3 letter word ;) When I asked the stewardess (who has the worst job on earth I believe) for help 3 times, nobody ever came to help although my cabin light was on.... the whole time of the trip! + their uniforms are horrible! :S The food was not so good & can we please discuss the fabric of the seats. WHAT KIND OF A PERSON WOULD CHOOSE THIS DESIGN :S eww!
When the captain was speaking on the speakers he was so relaxed, high I believe, as if he's talking on the phone with his friends "hello!(high pitched) ladies & gentlemen, this journey is taking you to DU_BAI!Amaaaaaaazing weather we're having....... Mkayyeeeeeeeeef ma3 inno he was 15 min. late!I think he'd make a great dj I think! Oh well, I like RJ :D

Tayyeb wsilna o olna ya hadi, the airport is nice & huge, just like Europe bas of course I wanted to arrive asap 3ashan ma n2akhkher il jama3a illi bistannuni mish aktar willa omam rabna in the line! But of course the majority are Indians, ya3ni taraku India o kul blad il 3alam o aju 3a Dubai. O hakatha onwards you spot them everywhere in Dubai. It was nice seeing all those people from all around the world at the airport, all speaking a different language & different accents. Diversity is good.

Arriving at the 7th floor apartment where I'm staying it was nice & quiet, livable. The apartment is nothing fancy but I hope I can post pictures of funny things there. Masalan my bathroom mafi switch for the light, fee a string that you pull, yes like in the movies where the victim goes to the basement to look for the poor dog & pulls the light switching on the bulb. The kitchen is okay, I have some space for my things, there's a living room with TV & a dining room, a balcony that over looks an exhibition, on the right are the emirates towers, on the left is the World Trade Center. Not bad.
My roommates :) They're nice bas a7la ishi feehom inhom smoke free :) Not boyfriend, free but smoke free, that's even better. One of them is Iranian (Mishmisheh), she looks so much like Arabs. The other is German(Firyal)...... & looks like Germans.

* The names have been changed tab3an, mish 3ashanni bakhaf la2 bas 3ashan 3aib ya3ni ;)

Mishmisheh mnee7a bas awiyyeh mbayneh, Firyal lazeezeh o normal. Till now I didn't spot any suspicious movements or habits bas tab3an being me there's always something fishy (dareen ;))
Currently I'm at the office, nice place bas mish a7la min FASTLINK. Nothing is apparent till now but they seem like nice people. Kulhom min hadeek il jinsiyyeh bardo bas there's a guy from Agentina :) I can practice my Spanish ! 7aram ra7 yigizz! Hola mi amigo!

I hope I can post pictures often coz there are a lot of weird things here in the plastic city where everything is perfect. I'll go sightseeing soon, I want to explore things since jay o jay ya3ni.

Oh & yes I have seen garbage in the streets!

Regards to all


Lina said...

LoL :D I can't believe innek mashshaiti el dabsheh "dubai willa imarat"!!! Hangman oltili??! interesting...

Yalla I can't wait to see pictures... and I'm looking forward to checking out your blog everyday! 3ad I promised myself not to check mail or post comments at work, but I couldn't resist this one! I guess I wanted to inaugurate it ;p

miss you!

By the way, you're only allowing bloggers to comment, which means none of the shilleh gets a chance ;p

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, miss you ya em el lol, seems you are having fun with mishmished and Ferial, please give them my regards and tell them to take care of our friend or ill knock some foreheads, how is the world trade center, please while passing by the crown plaza miss call me, i miss that place, OFCOURSE FASTLINK is better :) ill pass that to Hania, Ha as you didint say it for me to tell her ;), jad i miss you, keep telling us your news.

P.S: I forgot to tell you a very important thing, mum send you her regards, she says she loves you and please take care. Walek tele3lek elli ma tele3li :S :S :S, esma3i i already miss you

Anonymous said...

i forgot a very important thing, GEBBI

Anonymous said...

San7ek you are such a snob!!
Gal el fabric bl tayyara msh 3ajebha!! ba3dein I liked hadeek el dabsheh, Abble wella Ba3ed!! :D
I think if he was handsome the story would've changed :D
Anyway I enjoyed reading every single line, your stories about mishmesheh and firyal, bulbs, captains, balconys, indians, amigos... Be aware stay away from bheemos!! (I think lina and abu lsan will know what i mean here!)
Take good care abu shreek, enjoy the exotic city of Emirate ;) ping me if you need anything...
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

San7ek you are such a snob!!
Gal el fabric bl tayyara msh 3ajebha!! ba3dein I liked hadeek el dabsheh, Abble wella Ba3ed!! :D
I think if he was handsome the story would've changed :D
Anyway I enjoyed reading every single line, your stories about mishmesheh and firyal, bulbs, captains, balconys, indians, amigos... Be aware stay away from bheemos!! (I think lina and abu lsan will know what i mean here!)
Take good care abu shreek, enjoy the exotic city of Emirate ;) ping me if you need anything...
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Oooops I published the comment twice! bloody computers... (or users??) :p
Sorry for that...
Take care abu shreek.

Anonymous said...

i am astonished of your abilities to be sarcastic and funny at the same time but i have to tell i love it.......
and way to go u find urself a way to practice the hola me amiga thing bedde zayyek...
honestly the dubai or emirates joke i loved it really i laughed dude....actually still laughing now not the dabsheh itself but the fact that u were the one who the dabsheh falled on...i know how much u like such stuff....hehe
anyways just have fun there wo deere balek 3ala the latino guy...i mean come on ma 7ada sa77ello hal ayyam ;)...
miss uuuuuuuuuu mi amiga