Il muhizz I was excited for my first day at thee Daimler-Chrysler Middle East company( illi shwai fishink.........u can't imagine keef il trash bins 3indhom. It's a black thing with a trash bag wrapped from the sides with a kushsheh! You'll see pics don't worry)Maybe I'm at the wrong company or something, the cars are nice but what's with the trash?:S
The warehouse is very nice, I must say. I was impressed.
To my fortune, yesterday was the last day to catch the 'Young Arab Leaders' conference & thus Serina illa3eena would be there & I'd surprise her:) Tab3an upon confrontation she had a shock on her face to see me o nattat zay il habla 3alai o drama o ta3beet o bose t2ool sarilna 10 sneen mish shayfeen ba3ad. "Like oh ma god! I can't believe you're here, like seriousely" Lola il 3aib willa kan bkeena.
Bala toolit seereh we decided (ma i7na osood fish warana 7ada) to have lunch together at the Jumaira Hotel where the conference were held. It was great to see her & exchange impressions about the city, she, of course was amazed by the beauty of the plastic city & I was, u know,being myself! Bas don't worry before she left I made sure she saw all the imperfections in the Perfect Fairy Tale City- as she likes to call it :p
We were so 'Japanese' (taking a lot of pictures) & had dessert & all was well when suddenly she said: "Lara, I'm going to the mall" ! How could she leave me there? I'm LaRRoura!
The plan was I'd call her (which is a hassle by the way since the telecommunications industry here is awful- another post) & meet her at the mall later after my work.
I didn't manage to see Queen Rania or Princess Haya but yalla I saw Serina!
I did see Prince Mohammad Bin Rashed Al Nahyan, in fact I walked right through a table meeting at the terrace with my "lalla la la la" attitude" not noticing the importance bas 3adi wala ka2inno sar ishi I kept on walking!!
Of course Serina being part of the poopery gang (is she in 7ussam?) she told me not to go to the mall but that she'd pass by & pick me up to go out. I don't want to mention the times but Serina,AS USUAL, O I7NA MITGHARBEEN IN DUBAI, was late in picking me up for about 3.5 hours!!!!! It was a battle to stay awake & wait for her, not to mention that the plans have changed for 5 thousand times before we actually went out! Guys u see, people don't change when they change their environment, they stay poopers no matter where they are!!!! :)
To make a long story short (and suspicious) Serina & I went out in a 2005 Chevrolet for a 2 hour drive through Dubai to all the attraction spots there are to see. What a wild night it was! I can't mention details about the times but let's just say that my roommates think I am a party animal.....oh boy how shocked they will be!
Don't worry Serina what happenend in Dubai will stay in Dubai ;)
But to understand to which extent Serina went crazy please ask her about the pictures she took of the Grand Hyatt bathroom! I must admit it's beautiful :'( it's more beautiful than my whole apartment! But then again I don't pay $400 a night ;)
Another long story about two freedom-seeking Jordanians!!! I need to know what happened in that 2005-Chevi :D
Amma falatan!
hey girl seems like all is goin smooth .. hope it stayes that way =) o ib2i oleeli min a7san me as room mate willa firyal o mishmisheh willa mozeh -sho kan ismha hay?
yalla u take care
It was a Jaguar not a Chevi... Duh!!!
Omar the Jaguar was at the beginning of the evening but after that we were in a Chevi! I'm sure don't you dare Duh me!
ta7sheeeeesh :D I still didn't call serina to hear her version of the story bs don't worry I will make sure I find out all about your wild adventures ;p
ya 7aram mishmisheh o firyal they don't know what's awaiting them!! Al party animal al!!!
yalla when are you gonna start posting pictures? ;)
Mooh of course inti a7san
Lina mish bil awwal ala2i internet cafe where they have actual PCs for common people like me who don't have a laptop!
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