Monday, December 26, 2005

Cars cars cars.......

Working in one of the best car manufacturing companies it’s only normal to see beautiful cars but to see approximately 300 top of the line classy exclusive cars now that’s amazing! Daimler Chrysler also has Jeep, Maybach & Dodge in addition to its Mercedes & Chrysler.

The motor show took place in an exhibition hall right behind our apartment for a whole week. It costs too much to have these shows (yes even for Daimler Chrysler) that it only takes place every 2 years so the preparations were worth it. To spice up the show each company has it’s own attraction of Turkish dancers (us), magicians, live band, & of course (halla2 3omar bikayyef) models……. labseen min ghair hudoom! Everybody was taking pictures of them & sometimes the cars!

The cars are beyond description, that’s why I’ll just show you the photos.

The highlight of the show was the Honda ASIMO robot! Yes guys it’s a robot that can wave, walk, go up & down the stairs, clap, cry & other gestures! It was fantastic I got it on video, it’s a craze in the world of electronics & mechanics. They spent almost 10 years developing it. Research it, it’s a breakthrough in science.

A nice part of the evening was that Ragheb 3alameh was there, yeah guys I know you don’t like him but being myself I had to take a picture & talk to him, IT’S RAGHEB 3ALAMEH! They were filming a show with him about cars so I think I was on that show too, or at least my hands! They filmed me taking him a picture :)

Me, Ragheb 3alameh & Muhannad, another German trainee that’s originally from Tunis (find out what they call a wedding in Tunisian!)

Il muhiz it was a nice eventful evening afterwhich we went to the Christmas party that was held for all the residents of our apartment. Pictures don’t show clearly but there was a dance floor, food & drinks for free. Tab3an ma 7addish kazzab khabar o shirbu. Weird life they’re living :S


Claude Richard said...

very nice cars !
Happy New Year !

Lina said...

Seems like loads of fun! I have to say though that I HATE Ragheb 3alameh (I know that you know bs I had to get it off my chest)

So what so they call a wedding in Tunisia?? I'm too lazy to research ;p

Anonymous said...

ok 3ade kteer sayyarte a7la....:`(

Anonymous said...

NICE CARZ! bij3aqued ya zalameh ;p
wak eish haath .. ishi bikhalet il tshitheb!! LOOOL
tab3an ma7soobtek halla read azon min 6 dec la halla fa ... gotta say seems like u'r havin LOADS of fun can't wait to get there o .. YA 7ABEEBI itrikini ana o maher o ma 3aleiki!! ;p
hey ... miss u LOADs o deeri balek 3la nafsek ALLA yis3idek, taraki ghalyeh o "muhimmeh VIP bil 3arabi!" ;p
& girl HapPy NeW yEaR
mwa =)