6. Started Salsa classes and commited for 1 whole year
don't intend to quit in this lifetime
A Jordanian girl who views the world differently.
Nobody's forcing you to be here. You have a choice. You can stay, or you can leave.There are no victimsin this classroom!
* Names have been changed for security reasons... my security
Below are some noticeable groups:
The thing is, it’s not that black and white, there isn’t only 2 sides of the issue as I have demonstrated above. People are not either or. The true statement is :
X vs. Y vs. Z vs. Q, …ect
You don't drown by falling in the water;
Edwin Louis Cole
Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt methis does not exist in my world.
"Could you walk and talk at the same time"?
Guys it's insulting , get it through your heads.It's not funny, it's not appealing that u ask a girl if her friend is pretty.
Dancing makes the world such a lovely place :) I wish I started learning Salsa years ago.... at least I would've caught up with guys my age, now the oldest I can find in beginners class is saneh rab3a handaset 3amara :S You don't wanna know how awkward they felt when they found out I was a 'working girl'!
I fell in love with this song below by Sting that talks about love and dancing..... it's the soundtrack of KATE AND LEOPOLD (stupid lovey dovey movie but great song)
I urge all of you Jordanians to shake your boodie whenever you get the chance :)
If I caught the world in a bottle
And everything was still beneath the moon
Without your love would it shine for me?
If I was smart as Aristotle
And understood the rings around the moon
What would it all matter if you loved me?
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Not a solitary thing would I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing's end
If I caught the world in an hourglass
Saddled up the moon so we could ride
Until the stars grew dim, Until...
One day you’ll meet a stranger
And all the noise is silenced in the room
You’ll feel that you're close to some mystery
In the moonlight and everything shatters
You feel as if you’ve known her all your life
The world’s oldest lesson in history
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
With a million dreams to fulfill
And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
Not a solitary thing do I fear
Except when this moment comes near the dancing’s end
Oh, if I caught the world in an hourglass
Saddled up the moon and we would ride
Until the stars grew dim
Until the time that time stands still, Until...
I always separated between actions of people and who they are, a murderer is not necessarily lousy at his job for there is no such thing as a good person or a bad person full stop. We are a mix of everything.
I often think a prostitute could be a great chef, a drunk could be a loyal friend and a theif could have dignity and manners....... apparently not :)
لص سرق احذية المصلين فعادوا حفاة فوق الثلج
نشر: 1/2/2008 الساعة .(GMT+2 00:45 a.m )
عمان- اجبر لص قام بسرقة الاحذية الفاخرة لعدد من المصلين في احد مساجد العاصمة عمان على عودتهم حفاة القدمين فوق الثلوج.
وذكرت وكالة الانباء الاردنية الرسمية (بترا) التي اوردت النبأ ان "اللص اقدم على سرقة احذية مصلين كانوا يؤدون صلاة العصر اول من امس (الاربعاء) في احد مساجد عمان".
واضافت الوكالة ان "اللص استغل وقت اداء المصلين لصلاة الجماعة داخل المسجد لتمتد يداه الى ما اعجبه وارتفع سعره من احذيتهم ليفر بعدها تاركا عباد الله يمشون حفاة فوق الثلج".
وابدى المصلون اشمئزازهم من هذا "التصرف المشين الذي جاء في اصعب الاوقات".
وقالوا انهم "انتعلوا الثلج ليعودوا الى منازلهم حفاة يستشعرون برودة الثلج الذي غاصت فيه ارجلهم بعدما عجزوا عن ايجاد ما ينتعلونه مقابل آخرين استخدموا احذية قديمة مهترئة وجدوها على باب المسجد".